Now more than ever, cyber security is an important measure that every small or big business should take. Threats are everywhere and have the potential to jeopardize your entire business. Without knowing much about the types of security risks against you, you can still take the necessary precautions to protect yourself from the unknown. It also might help to hire a consultant to review your practices.
The following are the top cyber security tips for protecting your business’s infrastructure:
Educate Employees
If you take any precaution at all against cyber threats, it should be to educate all of your employees. Many say that employees are actually one of the biggest security risks to businesses. If your team isn’t well-read on how to use their technology securely, then there’s no point in upkeeping everything because it’s bound to be corrupted at some point. To combat this, start by teaching your employees about how to adhere to your security policies. By briefing your team members on at least the basics of cybersecurity, they’ll beware of the common mistakes that lead to leaks and break-ins.
Backup Essential Documents and Information
In addition to teaching employees, you need to also instruct them to backup their files. If a security breach were to occur, every device could be protected from wiping if files and essential information is copied onto a shared network or hard drive. This is often taken for granted, but it’s something users and especially businesses should listen to.
Secure Your Network
How can you protect your networks if you’re not an IT whiz? You can start by implementing a firewall and starting the encryption process. Also, hide your WiFi by restricting the broadcast of your network name. It seems simple, but putting in complex passwords is important. Make sure your router and WiFi are password-protected so only verified individuals can access them.
Protect Mobile Devices
In the modern age, a lot of business is being conducted through mobile devices. The devices your employees and clients use should not be easy for a cybercriminal to crack. If you administer work devices, guarantee that they always have passwords to unlock them and install security applications to monitor and track any vulnerabilities. Many businessowners disregard the prevalence of threats from mobile, but this is a growing concern that you should address straight away.
Need help defending your business from cyber security issues? Get in touch with one of DataOne’s specialists and consultants prior to securing your system.